Tiredness Stomach Pains After Eating, No Appetite Do I Have Stomach Cancer?

Do I have stomach cancer? - tiredness stomach pains after eating, no appetite

In relation to the symptoms in the NHS site I:

frequent belching
-Heartburn once a month or two
Esteem and very quickly when eaten
Bloating after meals
Pain in the stomach
Sometimes difficulty in swallowing
very often the loss of appetite
Weight loss (more than 2 and a half stone in 1 year and half .... I'm 5 "2 p.m. to 10 p.m. stone 10 and I am now 8 stone 2)
(Fatigue, no matter how much I sleep 6-11 always tired. It also has a regular rhythm of sleep for 9 hours and yet was always sold out.)

Not to the symptoms of stomach cancer, I felt very ill after eating the whole week and Shakey majorly. I have the size of my hand the entire week ... Differences are not large or smallENCE is how I feel. That evening, feeling sicky and Shakey took almost 3 hours to 4 and is still in progress. I have tried to take Gaviscon and inconclusive.

That is all. Any help or any other possible connection would be useful.

Thank you very much.


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