Jack The Homicidal Maniac What Should My Artist Nickname Be, And How Did You Come Up With Yours?

What should my artist nickname be, and how did you come up with yours? - jack the homicidal maniac

All the artists please answer, what is your "artist", a nickname? You know the name that you use to sign for their work or something. as "alias" or nickname. Do you have someone to give you, your characters base, or what you love? "I come with anything and everything and can not decide on something to use as the logo / name. I have a fox who loves me cuz I love foxes, foxes, but are used everywhere (Fox, Firefox) or is there a Another name for the fox, which I can use?
Here are some things about me, if you are good at it
My name is Julie aka Jewels
I like foxes, they are intelligent, playful, challenging and jokes with me
I am a moderator (2D/Flash)
I love surrealism and dream-like images
I have a sense of dark humor (which Tim Burton and Invader Zim and Johnny the homicidal maniac)
Im a Jack of All Trades (animation love, Graphiti, comics, painting shows, etc.)
I like skateboarding and extreme sports
I'm a daredevil
What do you think? Thank you all!


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